Have You Ever Wanted To Grill Seafood?

   🐟 If you did, you’re in luck. I’m gonna give ya some simple recipes that are quick and easy. I will tell you, a fish basket comes in handy, I lost several nice fillets to the grill grate monster before I figured out the problem, they just aren’t made for cooking fish.

There are several types of baskets, some are like the ones above, others are like the one below.

The sheet shown in the second image above, is a fav.

   *All three work, but the one directly above can also be used to grill a bunch of veggies sliced up, so it’s a little more versatile.*

 I don’t know if you’ve seen the price of seafood lately, but the prices have gone up. I have found that fresh fish is extremely expensive. If price is not an object, you do you, but some of us will be looking for bargains. I have found that most supermarkets have not only a fresh seafood counter, but usually located nearby,  is a frozen section. Trust me when I tell you, even the fish in the “fresh counter”,  unless specified otherwise, have been frozen. So I look at the emails my store sends out after signing up for them. You’ll usually see some fish advertised on sale. I look for them.

📌What you’ll need: favorite fish, Italian dressing, margarine,lemon, seasoning(Greek seasoning is great) a little salt and pepper.

>>>The most prevalent frozen fish is Haddock or Cod. This is basically what Captain D’s or Long John Silvers sells. It’s a light white fish with very little fishy flavor. Some people prefer this. That fish is usually always available, but you might want to check out some other types. Mahi Mahi is a firmer fish and tastes great. The firmer fish tends to do better on the grill. Grouper and Red Fish are also great for grilling.
…🐠The most firm fish are things like Swordfish and tuna. They also do great on the grill, but they are an acquired taste. A little more “oily” and have a distinct “fish”flavor.
…Once we figure out what we want to cook, we need to figure out the how.
🛒If you got yourself a fish basket, we’ll start with that. Always spray a little olive oil on the basket before laying the fish on it. Keeps it from sticking.    ……Season your fish fillets with your favorite seasoning. I have found that a Greek Seasoning available in the spice section of your store is great for fish. I always squeeze a little lemon juice on the fillet as well. I do use the baste we put together for grilling chicken, but we leave out the onions. Apply the baste to the fish first, then place them on the rack or in the basket. Fish, and most seafood, take very little heat. ……Cooking time is very quick. Depending of the thickness of the fish, cooking time is around 5 min. turning once. I would baste them once per side while cooking.
…That’s all there is to grilling fish, and they taste great. Man are you gonna be in demand after puttin’ down a protein like that.

Let’s add some shrimp!🍤🦐🍤🦐
To go along with with your fish, or by themselves ,   we’re gonna add some shrimp to the menu.


   📌You’ll need some skewers. You can pick them up at the supermarket, they are there, but you may have to ask someone to point them out. Thin metal ones usually work best, but they also have bamboo. You need to soak the wooden ones before using. They tend to burn.
📌What you’ll need: shrimp,  favorite veggies, bell pepper, pineapple, onion and cherry tomatoes make it fancy. Ha!   (I’ll add pics next time I do kabobs)
…Yep, we’re going to make some shrimp kabobs.
Your gonna need to buy some shrimp. The smallest shrimp for grilling should be at least 20-25 count, larger is better. * the count is the number of shrimp per pound.
…You can do the simple skewer of shrimp only, or add some vegetables.
🥒🫑🧅🍍 Zucchini, onion, bell pepper, and pineapple always  do well on the grill. Cut the veggies into similar sizes and alternate them with the shrimp on the skewer. Cooking time is no more than 5 min. turning once. As soon as both sides turn pink, they are ready. Leaving them on too long, makes the very tender shrimp, tough.
…Some people prefer to cook the shrimp on separate skewers than the veggies…Probably the best method. The vegetables don’t cook as fast as the shrimp, but what does work, is to blanch  the veggies in boiling water (no need to blanch the pineapple or onion, they do just fine raw) for a few minutes to-precook them.     By doing this step, you can then add them to a Kabob with the seafood, and they will be ready at the same time. ( it’s what I would recommend) I would baste them at least once during cooking with an Italian dressing and butter (or margarine) that has been heated on the stove.
* 🍢🥢for a different spin, baste your kabobs with a mixture of teriyaki sauce and a little olive oil, really adventurous cooks may baste with teriyaki and Sesame oil for an even more oriental flavor. I’ll let you decide how much you want to go all in for.
🍤🦐🍤That’s it… shrimp kabobs to go with your fish. They can be grilled at the same time, just pay attention to the cooking times, and I don’t put both on at the same time, I put shrimp on last.
Before we move on with the recipe, got to include an addition my friend Paul Lazarine sent us. Mango Ginger Habanero sauce. I won’t say that you need this to make a great kabob…but, it didn’t hurt. Ha!
If anyone wants a link to the sauces available online from Texas, message me and I’ll send a link. Paul sent us a gift basket that changed our life… Great stuff!
NOW, here’s something that will make any grilled seafood mind blowingly tasty.  After the pics below, you’ll see the secret sauce. Ha! It’s delicious.

   Here’s a recent meal we cooked using this method. We did steak kabobs, and shrimp kabobs. It turned out great! Hope you’ll try something like this…you can definitely do it. It’s meat and veggies on a skewer! We simply added zucchini, onion and pineapple to our shrimp kabobs, and mushrooms and tomatoes to our steak kabobs. Easy.
*The basic dipping sauce mentioned above….is called BUTTER. The sauces are applied while cooking…but, at the table, brown butter rules!
🧈In a small sauce pan, place a couple of sticks of real unsalted butter. Over a very low flame on your stove,  place the pan with the butter on it. I usually start this first, before cooking the fish or shrimp. Over the low flame, the butter will melt, then brown. Don’t rush it. When you see the butter color change to a more “brownish color”, it is ready. Some people add a clove of crushed garlic while browning the butter, I have done it for some dishes.  It’s just a whatever you prefer.   Turn off the heat and let it sit while you finish your cooking of  the seafood. When your ready to eat, pour the “browned” butter into a small bowl for dipping your seafood in.🫕

*🧈Don’t be surprised if you dip everything on the table into this awesome nectar. (This isn’t exactly a healthy addition, but if you just do it occasionally, you’ll be alright).
…So we’ve got the seafood grilling handled for now. Right?
🦞We have other seafood recipes coming up in the future, stay tuned. (That browned butter goes great with lobster!)

  💯That’s gonna be exciting when we move to another level. We’ll get there, but in the mean time, let’s make some tasty stuff we can enjoy right now!


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