2 Fun and Easy Things to Make…

  Recently, having a little spare time, I found some cool stuff to make. We needed some mascarpone cheese for a recipe. We bought it at the store and it was a little pricey.
Another day,  Faye saw someone on TV make bread in a crock pot. That sounded like a fun project, so I decided to try it out.
Here’s what I found out, how I did it, and all the things you’ll need.

 Mascarpone…(that creamy spreadable cheese)
     What you’ll need:
     16 oz. Of heavy cream (2 cups)🫖
    The juice of 1 lemon🍋 (you’ll need 2 tablespoons)🥄
     Some cheese cloth…that’s it.

Pour the 2 cups of heavy cream into a small sauce pan. Bring the cream to a simmer (slight bubbling, not a rolling boil, over a medium heat. Stirring frequently
Once the cream has reached the simmer, remove it from the heat and add 1 tablespoon of the lemon juice. Stir with a whisk or spoon to break up lumps(curds). Stir in second tablespoon and let the whole pan cool.
Put the pan in the fridge overnight.
Once it has cooled overnight. Line a strainer or colander with 3 or 4 layers of cheesecloth and pour the cheese mixture in. Squeeze the moisture out gently, only takes a minute or so, then transfer to container. It’s ready for use

This cheese is used in making Tiramisu (not many of us will probably do that) but, you can spread it on toast or muffins. Use it like you would cream cheese.

You can add garlic🧄 or other herbs for savory, or add honey🍯or jam🍓 for something sweet. It can also be used to thicken soups or pastas like risotto.🍝


(There is a cheat I hate to pass on, but, you can make a pretty good imitation of cream cheese by putting some 4% fat Cottage Cheese in a food processor.)  A few pulses of the processor blades, and there ya go!

Next thing up, making bread in a CROCKPOT!🥖